What To Expect During Your Lip Tattoo Healing Journey?
The lips will be swollen and look very intense. Don't panic this is temporary!
Care During This Time:
Leave the hydration lip mask on for as long as possible. Be careful not to eat very hot, cold or spicy foods. Drink through a straw to keep all liquids off the lips. Avoid kissing or touching the area with your fingers to prevent infection. The same applies to children's hands and pets.
DAY 2-5
Lips will begin to peel leaving a colour will be patchy.
Care During This Time:
The lips will feel dry, tight and dehydrated. This is a normal part of healing. Keep well hydrated and moisturise the lips with the aftercare balm 3-4 times a day. Strictly no other makeup products are to be applied on the lip during this time. Continue to cleanse daily but be mindful that prolonged contact with water will increase fading.
DAY 5-7
The lips will appear pale.
Care During This Time:
The tattoo should appear subtle and transparent. Don't worry they have not disappeared! Be patient and trust the process. It is important you keep applying the balm.
DAY 7-10
The tattoo will look soft and natural.
Care During This Time:
Peeling should not be visible anymore however, mature skin types will need to wait longer for the lips to heal. Fading up to 80% is to be expected and colour will brighten over the coming weeks. Remember the skin will need at least 4 weeks to fully repair before the perfection visit. The perfection visit is required to boost the colour and fix any damage that may have occurred.
If healed results are poor it is either from lack of post-treatment care, skin type or quality, a compromised immune or some medications. Don’t worry, everyone’s healed journey is different and we ensure you will have a perfect set of brows at the end of the two-step process. We thrive on customer satisfaction so please do not feel embarrassed to speak up!
What Is A Perfection Visit And Why Do I Need One?
All cosmetic tattooing involves a TWO-STEP PROCESS to gradually and safely build up pigment without overworking or over saturating the skin. This process is essential for your original artist to evaluate color absorption, correcting any damage or excessive fading during the healing stage. The perfection visit is vital for your artist to understand how your skin responds to the treatment, providing crucial insights for future sessions.
Aftercare is included for all our new tattoo services
OHMYBROW include all your aftercare needs at your initial appointment.
Tattoo Aftercare Brochure With Detailed Instructions
Lip Gel Cool Pack
Tattoo Aftercare Balm
Phone Support
Please contact admin if you have any concerns during your healing journey at (08) 8370 4536.
lip blush after care aftercare oh my brow
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